Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leo Walks!

Monday, August 1 Leo walked across the kitchen floor! Pictures to follow

Donna & Ryan!!

We had a great visit with Kevin's siblings, Donna and Ryan. It was so much fun spending time together and watching them play with Leo. Thursday night we loaded up and headed to Donnelly to enjoy a little bit of fresh mountain air.

Friday morning Kevin did his best to patiently wait for Donna and Ryan to wake up... Well, not really. He kept going in to their room and trying to wake them, just like a little kid on Christmas Eve - he just wanted to spend time with them. It was very sweet... at least from my awake perspective! Once the household was awake and fed we headed out on a morning walk.

Pixie took a swim it was such a beautiful morning!
We planned a picnic lunch at the lake. So when Leo woke from his morning nap we packed up headed for the water.
It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. Leo got in the water with Kevin, no fear at all he just held on to Dad and enjoyed himself.

After his "swim" it was time for dry clothes and playing in the sand.

We headed home for Leo's afternoon nap. Which also ended up to be a Kevin and Ryan nap time too.

Friday night Donna made us an amazing, delicious, dinner. All fresh ingredients and simply delicious. This picture is blurry but it's the only one I took... oh it was so yummy!

After dinner headed into McCall and walked around the lake. It was such beautiful weather, we ended up a the McCall Brew Pub for a drink and then headed back to the cabin.

Spider Crawl

The only spider I will ever love... this is the pre-cursor to walking!


Leo had his first hair cut. He did great! The experience lasted less than 15 minutes and no tears. Courtney did a great job, and he looks like such a big boy.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Leo's First Birthday

July 20 was Leo's first birthday! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone bye, and how much our little man has grown. I'm sure I will feel this each year...

My parents drove up from Twin Falls the Sunday before Leo's birthday and we barbecued in the backyard. It was a warm sunny afternoon and we all enjoyed the time together. Kevin cooked delicious salmon, then there was potato salad, corn salad, melon and strawberries...

I made an apple bake (gluten and sugar free), this was not a birthday cake but a dessert that all - including Leo - enjoyed.

Grandma and Grandpa Sellers surprised Leo with balloons and birthday hats.

Kevin enjoyed these too! Leo did get to open a couple of presents, he enjoyed tearing off the wrapping paper. Leo received cards and gifts from everyone, he is spoiled! Grandma RaRa and Grandpa Joe, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Mel, Aunt Donna, Uncle Drew, Aunt Lisa and cousin Chloe, The Rauschs, and more!

Wednesday was Leo's actual birthday and he enjoyed celebrating his birthday with friends at daycare. I made cupcakes for the group (gluten free, dairy free, egg free - one of Leo's friends has food allergies but I wanted him to enjoy the cupcakes too!). I asked Kristen to take pictures, she said Leo loved it! While I did miss not seeing the cupcake event, I love looking at the photos.

As for our family celebration, we sang to Leo in the morning and just had a quiet dinner and reflected on the events one year ago.

Thing Leo is doing as of his first birthday:
- Spider crawl: this is hands and feet, butt in the air, close to walking
- Jibber-jabber: warming up his vocal chords for sentences
- Laughing: tickle spots are his neck and collar bone area
- Sleeps through the night
- Gives awesome hugs
- Leo loves to be outside, and he likes to smell and eat flowers... bark (so far I have removed all pieces before swallowing occurs)... and has attempted rocks
- Hugging Honda, lays on her - so cute. He has tried this with Pixie, but she doesn't really like it

At Leo's doc appointment we found out that he weighs in at 20lbs 8oz and is 29inches tall. I was told he would triple his birth weight by his first birthday, and he did! Leo also has 2 bottom teeth and three top teeth.