When you find yourself with a full week to yourself while your husband makes a caravan south to retrieve some of his worldly possessions. Do you:
A. Do nothing, read books, veg-out
B. Schedule a pedicure
C. Schedule a massage
D. Drink wine, eat cheese & visit with friend
E. Make yourself a "To-Do" list
F. All of the above
G. D and E
My answer? G. I'm not sure that is the correct choice but none the less that's where I found myself this past week. And just how did I do on that list? Well, I got 100% completion. And added a few extra credit points too! I'm not an over achiever.... well maybe sometimes... but a more accurately I just can't sit still for too long. So, while Kevin was gone I
1. Painted the "extra" room
2. Cleaned out the "extra" room, swept, mopped, cleaned rugs
3. Cleaned out and organized the guest bedroom closet
4. Finished Fall removal of the garden
5. Fall clean up of the front flower bed (this activity and the above required me climbing into the trash bin and playing trampoline - sure I looked ridiculously funny! Sort of felt like a 5 year old, and that was a good thing)
6. Secret operation. My memory was erased upon completion so I cannot share.
7. Made applesauce from Canyon Orchard apples
My reward, besides a sense of completion/accomplishment, and a calm knowing that there will be space for some of Kevin's things once he returns, was hot bath on Sunday night and an early bedtime. I was pooped!
Kevin gets home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have a new To-Do list for the weekend ahead :)
Just a Few More Things.
3 weeks ago
please, please, *please* send me some of your energy. :o)