Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby Love...

Our sweet little boy is still on the inside. He is showing us who is really in charge :)

I had a doctor appointment today and we are progressing. The doc is very encouraging and believes things look great! Baby's heart rate is excellent, my size is perfect, she doesn't think he'll be big.

I am dilated 4 cm and am 90% effaced. I have another appointment this week on Thursday, although doc doesn't think I'll make it that long - from her mouth, to the babies ears, and out the chute he goes! However, if he holds up in there then I will be induced on Saturday.

That is the latest. Kevin and I are so ready to meet this boy. Feel his little feet and watch him curl up without the cover of my stomach :) Soon, very soon.....


  1. So excited for you!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little cutie.

  2. yea! relax & wait...soon he'll be here!
