Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baker Creek Camping

Kevin and I made the trip to Baker Creek for a weekend of camping with my parents and Mary Lou. It rained.... then the sun came out.... then it rained... rained some more... more sunshine... you get the picture. We were able to pitch our tent during a dry spell.

And my parents took their 4-wheelers for ride up to Baker Lake Trail Head.

But the rain would not be held at bay, so no hikes for us - bummer. Pixie and I did spend some time down by the creek... lovely baby Pixie.

Nights were chilly, Sunday we awoke to ice on our cooler...brrr. We were warm in our tent tho'

It was beautiful!

And we were able to see the sheep herders moving the sheep - literally through our camp and down the road. Sheep everywhere!

And when it was time to pack up camp, Pixie loaded herself!

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