Monday, October 5, 2009


I had to travel to Federal Way / Seattle Washington for work last Wednesday. It was a perfect opportunity for me to spend some time with my brother, Drew. He let me crash at his house and loaned me his truck for the commute! Work was busy, a whirlwind of meetings and learning what new work I'm responsible for and lining up - very quickly - a plan to train our sales team. That's all I'm saying about that.

Visiting Drew was fun! We had some great food... you know me I'm a foodie! We had delicious vegetarian fare at Cafe Flora. We met up with several of Drew's friends throughout the weekend, shared meals, wine, laughs, etc. Enjoyed some fantastic mexican food, I ate cactus and bean tacos - yes CACTUS. It was tastey! Had some Indian food.... And was treated to a wonderfully delicious home cooked meal at a friend of Drew's home.

Aside from eating... we worked on some of the wedding photos, fine tuning the printing!

I landed back in Boise mid-afternoon on Sunday - cold and rainey! Kevin built a fire, we made soup and just enjoyed relaxing together. Great to be home!

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